Breath is the most natural and healing medicine available to you. 

The power of the breath allows you to activate and open your cardio-vascular system to allow your prana/chi/qi/life force energy to expand and move more freely through your body. When this happens, your body and your soul are able to heal and expand.

Breathwork opens the heart on the
physiological and metaphysical level. 
This practice relieves stress, anxiety, anger, depression, fear and other heavy emotions. By releasing low vibrations stored in different areas of the body, breathwork enables access to joy, peace, love, and expanded consciousness.

This full-breath practice releases DMT in the body and activates your energy at the highest frequency and opens your heart space, providing a spiritual experience of your own being.

Breathwork at Rebel Heart Medicine
supports you in releasing that which no longer serves you and filling up with the remembrance of the powerful, limitless, being that you are.

This session is held in safe ceremonial space:

  • Discovery discussion for intention setting

  • 30 minutes of active, supported, and guided breathwork

  • Customized playlist

  • Soothing, grounding, & activating unique essential oil blends

  • Intuitive guidance

  • Reflections and Integration support

This work heightens your intuition, releases any blocks that are holding you back from the full experience and expression of your highest self, and frees you up to live an aligned, embodied, loving and joyful life. You never know what great miracle, what deep healing may be just a few breaths away.

While each journey is unique, every session with Rebel Heart Medicine is upheld by the consistent pillars of safety, choice, exploration, release, and expansion. These sessions are available for 1 on 1 clients, couples, families, private groups, and corporate groups.

For groups, please reach out for a discovery call to get more information.